Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment: 

A risk assessment is “a systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity or undertaking.” 
It is important to complete a risk assessment before a project or activity so I can understand the cautions. Having the risks written down, helps you to remember, but more importantly to not forget. Writing them down also helps you to understand all the risks and broadens your knowledge to the hazards you wouldn’t have thought could have such dramatic outcome. 
The risk assessment below is a new and improved version of one I created earlier on. This updated risk assessment is now specific to my music video instead of a generic one like the one I made before.

In conclusion my risk assessment will lower the chance of hazards happening whilst on set. It will insure all my cast, crew and equipment are safe. 

In conclusion I will be using my risk assessment to ensure the safety of of my cast and crew and also to keep my equipment in tact.  


  1. This is a great post and will really help you consider all risks when filming.
    Which risks are more specific to what you will be filming?

    1. The hot weather as I am planning to film on holiday and also pubic interference as I am planning to film in public places.


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