Audition Process

Audition Process:
I have created a poster to advertise my auditions that I will be holding. The poster informs you of where the auditions will be held, what date they're being held on and also what time they are being held. I also included what we are looking for in the actors. I wrote the information on the poster so actors and actresses understood where, when and why they should go. The poster is bold and has limited yet important information the actors to understand.                           
After creating my poster and pinning them up around the school, I have also posted the poster on my twitter account. As you can see above is a screenshot of my tweet. I decided to share my poster on social media as it will attract more actors that are not only in my school, also social media is big for people around the age range I am looking for therefore I am more likely to receive more interest from people who fit the role.
As you can see above I created an application form for all the applicants to fill out prior to their audition. I asked on the form for everyone to scan and email me there filled out application forms. I created the application forms so I could gather contact details so I could get hold of the actors I wish to use, also so I can gather an understanding of each actors ethnicity, age, eye colour, hair colour and height.

Above you can see an email that I received from an applicant and also my response to them. Tallulah emailed me to ask for an application form. In my response I attached the application form in the email and also asked her to send back the application filled out. 

Below is two examples of completed application forms:   

This application form was completed by Ryan Mendolia. Ryan is the applicant I chose out of all the males who auditioned for the role. I came to the conclusion as Ryan was as a whole the best fit for the role of the boyfriend.

This application form was completed by Tallulah Jones. Tallulah was the applicant I chose to undertake the role of the girlfriend in my music video. After a lot of thought I came to the conclusion that Tallulah was the best fit as a whole for the role.


  1. Well done you have thoroughly explored your options and your poster looks amazing and very professional! I also like your interaction on social media. What skills have you developed through this post?

    1. Thank you very much, I have learnt many skills from the creation of this post. I learnt how to create a bold and attention seeking poster on word.


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