Target Audience - Music genre

Deciding My Target Audience 

I created a survey to help me decide what my target market will be and also to help me get ideas as to what my music video could be about, what genre it will be, what it will look like and who will be in it.

These are the results from my survey for every question.

I sent my survey out by email to 30 people of all ages and both genders. I decided to have quite a few and also make them a lot more specific to make sure the results will be more accurate and it would also help me decide what my target audience would be. An example of the more specific questions are; "Which type of music video would you prefer to watch?" also, "Please state 1-3 of your favourite music videos". I decided to ask these questions so I had a better understanding as to what my music video should contain if I want it to be successful.

The Genre I've decided to use and why:

The genre of music I've decided to use is pop. I decided to use this genre from the results I received from my survey. Pop was the most popular genre chosen by a majority in comparison to the other genres. I also decided that my target market is going to be the younger generation as they are more likely to watch the music video and listen to the song. 


  1. Wow, this is such in depth research, well done! The way you have done your survey has allowed you to interact with your audience as I know you asked a lot of people our age, such as in our year.
    What next steps do you need to the so that you can take this information into account when planning your video?


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