Call Sheets

Call Sheets:

A "call sheet" is a filmmaking term for the schedule created by the assistant director, using the director's shot list. It is given to the cast and crew to inform them of where and when they should report for a particular day of filming. It is given to the cast and crew to inform them of where and when they should report for a particular day of filming. It is important for me to create a call sheet for my cast and crew as it is a great way to keep organised. This prevents stress and reduces the amount of risks that could be caused without one. The call sheet will make sure that my cast and crew understand where they must be and at what time.

These are two examples of my own call sheets.I created a call sheet for two separate periods of time I wish to film. My call sheets are quite complicated as I have written about both characters and also about a number of dates on one sheet. To improve this I could create a separate call sheet for each person and include the date that individual is needed, therefore it will be less stressful and unorganised. Ryan isn't needed in as many shots as Tallulah is, therefore it is more simple for him to have a separate call sheet.

Above is my new and improved call sheet. I created a new one as the previous one was rather confusing. My new sheet is specific to the individual. The call sheet above is for Ryan, it states the times, dates and locations he needed on set. This version is a lot more simple as there is a lot less going on. It is more specific, therefore I will create a separate call sheet for all members of my cast and crew.


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