Location Report

Location Report:

In this post I am analysing the locations I may be using in my music video. I will state the advantages and disadvantages filming in these areas. I hope to film my music video in a variety of locations, I chose to do this as the video is about how a boy is falling in love with a girl. I decided that I would use the different locations to divulge that the more time he spends with her the more he falls in love. The videos are of them doing a number of different activities through out their summer holidays. 

The locations I used were:
  • Labranda Miraluna Village Hotel, in Rhodes, Greece
  • The hotels beach
  • Lindos, in Rhodes, Greece 
  • The hotel’s pool
  • The Water Park 
  • Ham Hill in Chisleborough
  • Reading Festival 
The Hotel (Labranda Miraluna Village): 

The first location I wish to film at is the Labranda Miraluna Village, this hotel is in Rhodes, Greece. The advantage of filming in this area is the aesthetics of the hotel and the sunny weather of the location creates the joyful, romantic and elegant vibes I wish to create in my video. The disadvantage of filming here is, the hotel has a number of guests staying there, this means that I will need to find times and areas when there is limited amount around to film some parts of my video.

The Pool:

The pool at the Labranda Miraluna Village, this is a great location to film as I can film around the pool area and also in the pool. I plan to film in the pool, and underwater as I have sourced and purchased a waterproof case for my camera. This creates a more fun and exciting vibe for the video. The disadvantage of filming in the pool is it is difficult to see what you are filming underwater, also this is the only location I plan to film in that will cost me money, e.g. the waterproof case.

The Beach: 

The beach in Kiotari village in Rhodes, Greece, this location would be lovely to film at, this is because a beach is generally known to be romantic, fun and joyful. These are three themes I aim to portray in  my music video. Th advantages of filming in the location is the natural lighting, the reflections off of the sea and sand make the lighting bright. Also when the sun is setting, the light reflects off the sea creating all kinds of colours. The disadvantage is that the beach is open for all members of the public to use, therefore I will need to find a time and space on the beach when and where there is no one else around.

The Water Park: 

The Water Park, in Rhodes, Greece. This location is a unique place to film at as it is a risk that water may damage the camera. However as I explained previously, I invested in a waterproof case for my camera. The advantage of filming in this area is it is unique, exciting and fun, which will impact the mood of the video. Also it allows the viewer to feel the excitement and joy of the video. The disadvantages of filming here is it is a public area therefore I will need to find a time and area of the park where there is little or no one around.


Lindos, a village in Rhodes. This village will be a great location to film at as it is very historical and a great tourist attraction, this helps set the scene that both the boy and girl in my video are on holiday. Also the village is a stunning place, it is very picturesque and is filled with amazing places to film. The disadvantage is that it is a public place and has very small ally ways, therefore it would be difficult to clear the way to film, therefore I will plan to ask people if they wouldn’t mind being filmed.

Ham Hill:

Ham Hill, Chisleborough, in Somerset. This setting is very picturesque, you can see the countryside go on for miles. The advantages of flying in this area are; it is very quiet therefore I will not need to adjust timings to film. Another advantage is that when the sun sets you can see all the colours of the sky, this helps as I wish to have a sunset in my video.


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