Contingency Plan


A contingency plan is a plan designed to take account of an event that may happen in the future or a circumstance you may come across when filing or editing. 

By making a contingency plan it ensures that my filming and editing process will be smooth. It gives my cast and crew an understanding of how I wish to deal with situations we may face during the process. It also allows me to relax through out as I have solutions in place for the problems we may face. The contingency plan will also ensure that myself, the cast and crew are all relaxed and in the best mood to film.

I have created two contingency plans, one for filming and the other is for editing. My plans show; what could go wrong, how bad of an impact it could have and then my solution and/or my back up plans.

In conclusion, creating the contingency plan has allowed me to be more organised and relaxed whilst creating the music video. My plan should be very sufficient insuring that the problems we face are dealt with quickly and hopefully this will help to make my video a great standard as I will not need to stress if things do go wrong.


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