Music Video Draft

Music Video First Draft:

Below I have attached a link to the first draft of my music video. My video follows the life of two teens that are falling love. We experience the activities they take part in and the emotion they feel in the early stages of their relationship. 
I created my video to appeal to the ages between 16-24.

What did other people think?

I asked a couple of my peers to watch my video and give me their opinion on what they thought was good and bad about the video.

Dylan Lawrence:"Great variety of shots","Editing makes each shot flow seamlessly into one another","Rollercoaster shot feels out of place due to change in colour or brightness". 
I took Dylans opinion into consideration and analysed those two shots very closely I decided to increase the contrast and brightness of the shots and I believe they now do not look out of place.

Mia Agar-Rea:"Great shots","Add the artists name","Make a slow motion shot".
Again I took Mia's opinions into consideration, I added the artists name at the end of my video in the same colours as the song name at the start. However I decided to not make a slow motion shot as the song is very upbeat therefore using a slower shot may look out of place.

Rowe:"Add the artists name","Love the recording effect","Add more of the record effect". As I have don with the others I took Rowes opinion into consideration. As I said before I have put the artists name in. I added the record effect to few more shots however I didn't like having it too many as I thought it made it look a bit tacky. Therefore I added it to two more shots and I believe that should be enough and that it looks good.


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